Since I didn't have nearly as much time to keep up with music projects once I started grad school, I decided to keep myself to some artificial deadlines and produce at least three different arrangements and compositions over winter break of my G1 year.
Like most artificial deadlines they naturally stretched way past winter break but still glad to continue with these projects and happy with how they came to be (mostly) finished.
"Christopher Nolan Desert Movie" Thing
This is an original string arrangement I made trying to create something that sounded more like something from a film score. I don't have an actual name for this song but my friend said it sounded like something from a Christopher Nolan movie in a desert which is the best compliment I could've received so I'm sticking with this.
Breezeblocks - Alt J Arrangement
A string orchestra and percussion arrangement of a song that I was apparently living under a rock for not knowing under this past fall.
Beethoven Virus Fugue
Wrote a piece using the theme from Beethoven Virus as the subject of a "fugue" that breaks enough counterpoint rules that feels like libel but I tried and I'm mostly happy with it.
I Am - Jorja Smith Arrangement
This started as an arrangement for CelloWorld(); that I ended up not finishing after realizing how bored anyone not playing the melody was going to be. Still decided it sounded neat enough to work on more, although I still have to actually finish the ending rather than the current temporary pop song fade out.